Design recommendations on Persuasive Technology in HCI

Design recommendations on Persuasive Technology in HCI Caraban et al. (2019) introduced a framework with 23 mechanisms of nudging found in a systematic literature review. They organized this nudging mechanisms into 6 categories (facilitate, confront, deceive, social influence, fear, and reinforce) in which the nudges presented leverage 15 different cognitive biases.  Cognitive biases: In daily […]

Don’t make me think – Summary Notes

Don’t make me think – Summary notes Don’t make me think is a book about design and usability principles that even today, several years after its first edition (2000), is still current. Steve Krug introduces the way we human beings interact with systems and our common attitudes toward websites. This is a practical tool to […]

Foundations of UX Design Course: Comprehensive Summary

Foundations of UX Design Comprehensive Summary After completing the first course of the Google UX Design Professional Certificate: Foundations of User Experience Design, I was motivated to gather my study notes to share a comprehensive summary. Summary content: Course overview Week 1: Introducing user experience design Week 2: Getting to know common terms, tools, and […]

Knowledge Management and Digital Transformation in Colombia

Knowledge Management and Digital Transformation Colombia The relationship between Knowledge Management and Digital Transformation is relevant to enterprises that work to stay up-to-date in the digital age. In Colombia, small and big organizations from different industries face challenges related to digital transformation. Adopting a strategic knowledge management approach as a driver of transformation could lead […]

7 Takeaways about Inclusive Design from Interaction Design Latin America 2021

7 Takeaways about Inclusive Design from Interaction Design Latin America From 10th to 12th November I attended the Interaction Design Latin America 2021, a virtual conference organized by members of World Association for Interaction Design IxDA and held in Costa Rica. The following takeaways about Inclusive Design come from the conference “Participation, ideation and inclusion: technology […]

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